Der Sprouting-Kurs


Finde Halt - finde Richtung - geh’ mutig durchs Leben

- Der richtige Boden, um zu sprießen -


Der Kurs ist für dich…


…was du möchtest, ist aber…

  • dich sicher in deinen Fähigkeiten und in deinem Körper zu fühlen

  • bereit sein, die kommenden Herausforderungen zu meistern

  • eine stabile Leistung und einen stabilen Geist zu haben

  • dich selbstbestimmt zu fühlen

  • ein professionelles Mindset zu haben und trotzdem völlig du selbst zu sein

…wenn du momentan…

  • unsicher und überfordert bist

  • denkst, du seist nicht gut genug

  • das Gefühl hast, dass du abhängig von externen Faktoren und machtlos bist

  • immer wieder Leistungseinbrüche hast

  • dir das richtige mentale Training fehlt

Wie kannst du dir unsere gemeinsame Reise vorstellen?

  • 8 transformative Wochen als Gruppen- oder Einzelcoaching

  • Wir planen wöchentlich einen Termin und du bekommst Aufgaben, Audios und Erfahrungen in und zwischen den Sessions

  • Wir nehmen uns immer Zeit für deine individuellen Themen

  • Ich bin immer für dich erreichbar, auch zwischen den Sessions

Um welche Themen geht es?

  • Welches sind die Dinge, die ich kontrollieren kann? Die Einführung in ein offenes, achtsames Mindset

  • Sich des Körpers bewusst sein - die Vorstellung vom Body Scan als ein kraftvolles Werkzeug

  • Zurück in den jetzigen Moment - der einzige Ort an dem wir handeln können

  • Gedanken und Gefühle als das wahrnehmen was sie sind - chemische Reaktionen in deinem Gehirn, die sich verdammt real anfühlen

  • Wer bin ich? Was ist mir wichtig?

  • Mich meinen Werten und Zielen verschreiben - Wie bleibe ich dran?

  • Selbstmitgefühl und warum es ein so unglaublich wichtiges Instrument ist

  • Deine inneren Superpowers


Was andere Über den Kurs sagen:


Ana Cristina Oliveira Leite (Portuguese National Team Player Soccer)

“During my time at Bayer 04 Leverkusen as a professional soccer player I had the opportunity to work with Berit on my mental game. This encounter has been very transformative and I am very grateful that the contact emerged. Right from the start I felt comfortable, trusted/familiar and understood. Her empathic, open and honest attitude was crucial for me to be in an open conversation with her. In my past I had experiences with other sports psychologists, but only after my work with Berit I was aware of the fact that her work induced something in me. The attributes I appreciate most about her are how compassionate she is and that her way of talking to me was very mindful. I always had the feeling that she cares about me (and all the other athletes she worked with) and wants to help me. She always gives her best, and worries about each individual situation. She cares from the bottom of her heart that we evolve to be in a better headspace. Furthermore I believe that her approaches are very efficient and purposeful. The most valuable thing I took out of our sessions for myself is the mindfulness; that one learns to make inner and outer experiences in the present moment in a deliberate and value-free way. And most of her approaches are applicable in my everyday life and not just in sports.


Katarina Glavinic (Croatian Volleyball Player, Graduation from Michigan University)

During the break I had to make due to shoulder injury, I had a chance to work with Berit on my mental side of the game and sport. I had never thought about my mental game, so this journey was new for me and I am happy I had Berit by my side. She helped me learn more about mindfulness and why is it so important to connect your mind with your game and things you do every day. I was struggling with my emotions and feelings before I started to work with Berit, and they were sometimes stopping me from achieving my goals. But, with help from Berit I learned that all those feelings, positive and negative, are all part of my life and instead of pushing them away from me, I learned how to accept them because they are part of who I am. After 8 weeks working with Berit, I find myself being more mindful and bringing better decisions for myself. I am so grateful I had a chance to work with Berit because tips and exercises she gave me I can continue to use in my future which will help me to stay on the right track. Also, by the end of the course we focused on my own values in life, and thanks to Berit I learned how to use them in every aspect of my life.


Ana Sofia Jusino (Puerto Rican National Team Volleyball Player, first French league)

Working with Berit has been a gift! Through practicing mindfulness with her guidance I've learned ways to observe and deal with thoughts and emotions, and make decisions based on values. In every exercise we talk about how we can implement it on the court and talk about the possible scenarios that will come up during the season. It's really helpful that she has been in the same situations and felt the  same kinds of things in her own career. This has helped me feel more prepared for a season with a new team and in a new league for me.  After working with her for 8 weeks I find myself making small choices that empower me, a little more accepting, and not getting sucked into spirals of feeling bad about feeling bad.