Live Yoga class every Monday 4:00pm and Wednesday 6:00pm in Schwerin (Lübecker Str. 23) :).
“I will catch you , if you fall”
Photo by Andreas Kernbach
Photo by Jiro Schneider
Yes, Yoga helps to become more flexible, to engage the small muscels and compensate imbalances. Yes, it helps with your lower back pain tight shoulders and neck. Well, yes it’s great for recovery and will help you prevent injuries. All of these are great physical benefits from a well led Yoga class and the reason why most athletes start to roll out their yoga mat and get into their first down ward looking dog. But why they stay, has additional reasons…
Yoga for regeneration, flexibility and injury prevention
…because there is so much more to yoga. While the breathing synchs with the movement, the mind connects to the body and we can feel whole. Our body has so much wisdom, that yoga helps to access. Connecting back to the body, accepting and appreciating it is crucial, especially for athletes – who often see their bodies as an instrument to use and fighting a life- long fight against it.
While moving in more challenging postures we get to explore how we react to challenges, how to relax into it and how to come back after a defeat. And while we rest in child‘s pose we can have a deeper look inside ourselfs – here we gain a kind of balance, that we could talk about and explain, but is only true, if we experience it ourself.
Yoga can be an achor in difficult times and helps us walking through transitions. By listening to the In and Out of our breath, we’ll always come back to the present moment – the only place where we can act.
Sometimes I hear „I’m to stiff for yoga“ or „I’m to restless for Yoga“ or even „I’ve never done Yoga before“ – well, all of these are great arguments to start your practice today. As long as you can breath you can do yoga, it will always catch you where you are.
Yoga to find yourself
I am a 500 hr Vinyasa yoga teacher with a focus on alignment. That means that we move through sun salutations and other flows, but never forget to set the safe stage. I do like the sweaty and challenging classes, but at the same time I can also teach very slow pace or restorative classes – it’s all about intention, timing and the right balance.
I’m experienced with sport teams, groups of non-athletes and individual sessions, everything has its own magic to it.