What a surfer has to do with commitment

Last time I told you the story of the two travelers and how to put life into a new perspective. We spoke about the cross-country experience called life, about making choices oriented at your values and less out of emotions…

And nevertheless, I know, that life sometimes is still overwhelming. Right now, many of you are surrounded with uncertainties about the beginning of the season, when and how preseason starts, when traveling to your team or to tournaments will be possible or just doubting if you’re well enough prepared for everything that comes up.

A variety of feelings may arise during these times, and not to forget a gigantic stream of thoughts follows in tow. Then it gets harder to be committed to what you actually wanted to do and easier to lose track.

Your feelings can bring you out of balance, which is a pity because you could achieve so much more if you would have the ability to handle them in a different way. If you could just be committed every single day, doesn’t matter what your emotional state is.

One of my clients showed me an interesting metaphor to look at this “problem”. We spoke about, that the upcoming of whatever feeling is out of our control. I guess you might agree on that, too. If not, try to be truly happy NOW or stop completely to be nervous at this moment… not working? Don’t worry, it’s the same for all of us ;).

But then after she took a little pause to think, while we were exploring that topic, she came up with: “Hmm, that’s like the weather”. And she is so right!

Feelings like weather arise completely out of our control. When we open our eyes in the morning they are already there, BUT we are in full charge of what we are going to do with this one precious new day.

Sunny day? Great! But if not, are you throwing your plans out of the window, because of some dark clouds (aka unpleasant feelings) are appearing on the horizon? Do you prefer to stay inside, because of some drops of rain (aka frustration because of a bad game)? Or do you dance in the rain and see the headwind as a new challenge? Do you prepare yourself by buying an umbrella and rubber boots?

And we can take this even further because sometimes there is a big thunderstorm or a hurricane (aka. injury or some severe situation) happening and it’s dangerous to go outside – well, then it’s the best option to stay inside, recharge and get ready to when the storm is over.

So why not becoming that person that honors every weather, that learns to read it perfectly, that is able to navigate through every season, may it be snowy, stormy or sunny. Why not becoming that person that knows, that sunshine is as needed as rain for plants to grow, just like pleasant and unpleasant feelings are needed for humans to grow. That person, that embrace the moment in its fullness and gets ready to jump into puddles and surf through life.

If this is something you want to explore and learn more about, just hit the button below and schedule your free call now. And we will find a way how I can be helpful :).

Love and light,


Berit KauffeldtComment